Rs.299 for a Stylish Tie Pin. Choose from 5 Designs- Groupon Deals, Online Discount Coupons

End Date= 2015-06-27T18:29:59Z
Offer/Product Details-

Product Category= Groupon
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Search Stylish Tie Pins on Groupon
End Date= 2015-06-27T18:29:59Z
Offer/Product Details-

Product Overview:
- Brand Name: Jinno
- Jinno brand chrome plating and high gloss hard enamel color
- Ideal for any tie as well as any shirt or casual wear
- Metal Type: Alloy
- Dimensions (W x H/mm): 50 x 8
Product Category= Groupon
Product Highlights-
- Offer is on a choice of Stylish Tie Pins
Search Stylish Tie Pins on Groupon