Rs.1999 for a 450W Bajaj Mixer Grinder with 3 Jars- Groupon Deals, Online Discount Coupons

End Date= 2015-06-21T18:29:59Z
Offer/Product Details-

Product Category= Groupon
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Search 450W Bajaj Mixer Grinder with 3 Jars on Groupon
End Date= 2015-06-21T18:29:59Z
Offer/Product Details-

Product Overview:
- Sturdy stainless steel jars for liquidizing , wet/dry grinding and chutney making
- 3 speed control with incher for momentary operation
- Multi-functional blade system
- Motor overload protector
- Easy grip jar handles
- Elegant body design
- Optimum speed motor with 20000 RPM
Product Category= Groupon
Product Highlights-
- Offer is on a 450W Bajaj Mixer Grinder with 3 Jars
Search 450W Bajaj Mixer Grinder with 3 Jars on Groupon